Added value through innovative thinking
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SKETCH UP - design sketching in 3D
Deploying the user friendly Sketch Up programme can be applied on just about everything from designing a kitchen to full blown building projects with production details all done in 3D as you develop the design .
Its a fantastic quick and economic 3D sketching progarmme that I have used since 2006 .
I also use rendering programmes for some of the finished artwork without the cost of a 3D artist - Its more than adequate for most design situations.
I have a separate Sketch up blog started in 2009 which can be viewed on ....
Client Briefs and Specifications
The most important thing to have on any building project is a well thought out brief - both technically and with vision.
The better the breif , the better the project in my experience.
I have acted both as consultant and as client , as somebody who can write assemble and deliver a brief that reflects what the client requires .
These can be as simple as a single sheet of A4 paper or as complicated as a complete design manual.
In every case its is necessary to sit with all stakeholders from the very beginning of any project and take them through the process in a series of workshops.
Spaceplanning can be intuitive with the best layouts formed from gut feel mixed with experience.
Densities are important but intelligent and original layout can be more important.
The cultural side of any business can reflect not only the functional but also the human side of any business . Spaceplanning needs to seemlessly intergrate with the architecture and engineering that surrounds it resulting in a design that not only pleases the CEO but also the finance and FM manager alike.
Furniture choices need to be carefully considered as desking formats can be crucial to the success of any spaceplanning project - In some cases bespoke furniture may be appropriate
External and Internal Building Design
Having been involved over the years in so many different type of building I have a fairly wide vocabulary of design .
Projects that require a close integration between interior and exterior is something I have a lot of experience of particularly when it involves a tight budget .
I have a large database of costs that can be applied to projects that can be tailored to a clients budget practically.
Design quality is always the aim no matter what the budget.
Designing something that looks like a million dollars but costs a fraction gives me a particular satisfaction and I have done this many times.
In the last few years I have built up considerable knowledge of low energy design with a passivhaus slant and consider this an essential consideration in the design of any building. - I mean Low Energy design thats affordable.